Road Trip!

This might make me kind of weird, but I love road trips. Now usually a road trip is no more than ten hours, and I am never the driver, so perhaps my statement is more understandable if at first you were like, “Why?”

To be fair, I’m not sure why road trips appeal to me because I’m usually not one for small enclosed spaces and I love to be able to stretch out my legs, but something about getting in a car and going somewhere far away, and having everything you need in the back, from snacks and water to books and gadgets – it’s just so fun, or at least it is once in awhile.

I think one reason I’m so excited is that we haven’t been on a road trip in a long time. Like almost three years of a long time. Plus I get nervous flying, and who likes going to the airport, waiting in all those lines, going through security and then having your ears pop like crazy during takeoff and when you land? I don’t. Also, I don’t have to package shampoos and conditioners and such super carefully or worry about ounces or any of that nonsense. It’s so NICE.

And that’s what we’re doing and what we just did. I have this big writing conference in Minneapolis (AWP 2015) and we live in Denver, but instead of going right there, we decided to stop in Omaha on the way for Easter weekend, because that is where my family and three of my four besties live. And I haven’t been back to Nebraska since 2013! We did that earlier this week and on Sunday we’re heading back, but this time we’re not stopping in Omaha (except to maybe get some coffee 😉 ) because Roy works the next day, so we’re driving straight on through. Thirteen and a half hours… which means I’ll need to have a bathroom break. (I hate public restrooms so much I can hold it up to nine hours, but I admit there is no way I’ll make it past ten!)

If there was ever any doubt, I am fully prepared for anything on our road trip. In the back are books, my laptop that plugs into the car so I can work, my phone if I want to play the quiz app I am absolutely addicted to, and pillows in case I want some extra comfort while I nap. Yes, being a passenger on a road trip is the life. 🙂

The drive to Omaha was nice. It was sunny and beautiful out, and we only saw one cop the entire trip, which is crazy since we came down the day before Easter. I’m writing this before our trip up to Minneapolis (even though I’ll post this after we have already arrived) but that’s a shorter drive with less dead zones and the weather is supposed to be just as nice. I like being able to go from the quiz app to reading a book I’m into, to reading a book that is getting me ready for the conference, to working on something on my computer, to taking a nap when I tire myself out. (The only downside to the nap thing are the pictures my husband takes of me while I’m sleeping – blackmail material alert!) Driving to Omaha was so easy and I didn’t once get bored or restless or blah that I’m not worried about going to Minneapolis.

Of course the long trip back… I’m a little nervous, but I plan to sleep during a lot more of that. (And it’s not my fault, if my husband gets his way we’re going to leave Minneapolis at midnight!) I know it will be fine and I’ll end up catching up on a lot of reading material or score some major points on that quiz app I can’t seem to get enough of. The one who really has to work during our road trips is my husband, the faithful driver. He was excited about having a road trip (it was actually his idea) which was surprising because I know he loves driving, but he isn’t the biggest fan of long drives, but he has been enthusiastic and had a good time on the way to Omaha. I think he’ll also be happy going to Minneapolis (it was his home for almost a decade and he hasn’t been back for a visit in five years), but let’s see how he is after we get back to Denver haha.

He’s talking about taking another road trip later this summer or in the early fall, and I’m all for it, but I wonder how excited he’ll be after that final drive… Thirteen and a half hours probably feels like twice the time, when you’re the one behind the wheel! 😛

Road Trip 2015 – Yeah baby! 🙂


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